Quick Note: This page will contain a comprehensive walkthrough of Findjackwalten's entire history, including a detailed guide of the content of every incarnation of every page, in roughly chronological order. If you're looking only for a list of links so you may explore the page content on your own, one can be found here: twfinfo.neocities.org
Originally announced through Sy05 in the Official Walten Files Discord before being announced by series creator Martín in a now-deleted tweet, Findjackwalten.com is an accompanying website to The Walten Files featuring a wealth of story and lore-important information. While the website's pages have changed over time, nearly every incarnation of every page has been archived on The Wayback Machine for indefinite future access.
Disclaimer: This page contains a lot of images! Despite the dropdowns helping with site lag and preventing both your computer and my website from attempting to load too many images at a time, occasionally images will fail to load at all. This can almost always be fixed by either refreshing the page, or by right-clicking on the broken image and selecting the "Reload Image" option.
If neither method works, the image may really be broken, and I'd appreciate you shooting me an e-mail at thewaltenarchivesfansite@gmail.com, letting me know of the issue, so I can fix it!
Website at Launch: 07/22/21 (Click to Expand)
The site first released on July 22nd, 2021, and featured four pages. Two of these were easily accessible through normal navigation of the site, with the other two being 'hidden' pages which could only be accessed by entering their URL directly.
Findjackwalten.com/, the main page, also accessible through Findjackwalten.com/jackwalten
A simple 'Missing Persons' page for Jack Walten, containing information about his appearance and whereabouts alongside images of him and a short biography of his life and work.
Near the bottom of the page is an interview with Felix A. Kranken about Jack and his disappearance. It reads as follows:
"I still wonder about what happened to my best friend, to this day I get people asking how I've handled the situation, how I've managed to keep on with this company knowing that he's been gone for years. It's hard to look back at Jack, because... I know that those happy memories and experiences I had with Walten and his Family will never happen again. And he'll never get to see what our dream company turned out to be. But there's still hope, I guess"
-Felix A. Kranken, MLBQ FM Radio, March 29th, 1979
There is a large yellow button at the very bottom of the page with "CONTACT US HERE" written in bold, italicised font.
The page's title reads "Missing: Jack Walten"
Findjackwalten.com/missing, accessible through the "CONTACT US HERE" button at the bottom of the main page
This page contains a single, sketchy image of a person's face drawn on paper. Parts of the image have but cut out or torn away, and rearranged in a way to cause the face to appear unsettlingly distorted. Still, the few identifiable features of the face bear remarkable resemblance to the character of Charles, who haunts the animatronic Boozoo.
Next to the image is small white text which reads "did you forget about me?"
The archive of this page seems to have formatted these assets incorrectly, and they can only be properly viewed by zooming out in your browser. On the page's initial incarnation, this was not the case.
The page's title reads "Help"
This page contains a severely compressed image of a missing poster for Rosemary Walten, wife of Jack Walten. The text of the poster reads as follows:
age: 40 years old
date of birth: April 20th, 1934
hair color: dark brown
eye color: blue
last seen: Morning of July 19th, 1974
The page's title reads "A beautiful rose"
The text of this page is a transcription of a conversation between Sophie Walten and her girlfriend, Jenny Letterson, in the immediate aftermath of the TWF3. At the top of the page, there is an image of the Entfernt Hotel, where Sophie and Jenny live, which is also the location of the BunnyFarm cabinet.
The page's title reads "Jenny?"
Update #1: 08/31/21 (Click to Expand)
The URLs of the new pages included in this update were revealing through The Showstoppers II (Lost Album 1983), hidden within the video's closed captions.
The updated version of this page removes the unsettling image present in the previous version, while the white text changes to read "I'll see you soon".
This page contains an investigation log from 1977, written by a Detective Derek Collins, about his and his partner's investigation into the 1974 disappearances of the Walten family. There is also an image at the top of the page of a whimsical yet unsettling wall mural (described by Derek as "cute"), found in what used to be Sophie's bedroom.
The mural, in the bottom right corner, depicts a two-story yellow/orange house with a single, central window in the attic or top floor, which is consisent with other depictions we've seen of Brighton 27, or the Walten family home.
In the log, Sophie (referred to as "the girl") is described as already having memory issues regarding the disappearance of her family. Assuming her memory loss is tied entirely to the usage of her medication, as has been implied, she must have been medicated at some point between Rosemary's disappearance in July of 1974 and when this log was written in April of 1977.
The page's title reads "Log #785"
This page contains only a single MP4, which was improperly archived by The Wayback Machine, and is missing from the current page archive. The MP4 itself was thankfully preserved, and can be viewed as follows:
The Page's title reads "Old doll", similarly to how Rocket is referred to by Edd in BunnyFarm:
"That old doll? forget about it. We need to get ready. Uncle Felix will be here any minute"
and in the hidden backwards message from Company Introductory Tape:
"You finally start to remember, that old doll. They will be back for you soon, Sophie."
This page contains a transcribed conversation between Sophie and Jenny, assumedly taking place some time after the conversation in /jennyletterson. Jenny sets up a recording device (likely an audio recording device) before asking Sophie questions pertaining to what she remembers about her past and family.
Her answers to Jenny's questions provide a lot of interesting and enlightening information. She briefly describes the oldest memory she can recall: of being interrogated at a police station as a teenager about something she can't recall, presumably just after Rosemary's disappearance.
She goes on to describe her mother by name and appearance, and details her memory of a time after her father's disappearance, when Rosemary seemed very stressed and became extremely overprotective of her.
When she tries to remember her father she can barely remember anything at all. Only calling to mind his bad temper, the sound of his voice, and the knowledge that he loved his family.
At the top of the page, there is a distorted image of Edd & Molly Walten. In it, Molly is holding what appears to be a porcelain baby doll.
The page's title reads "Sophie Walten"
Update #2: 01/01/22 (Click to Expand)
This update would be live for a little more than an hour before being officially announced in the Walten Files Discord server and later in a now-deleted tweet on Martin Walls' twitter account. It entirely overhauls every page on the website.
Findjackwalten.com/, also accessible (at the time) though Findjackwalten.com/the-future-of-technology
An entirely redone homepage, now presenting itself as something like an advertising page for CyberFun Tech. It summarizes the company's history, as well as outlines some of the company's plans moving forward into the new year 1982.
There are several images on the page. The first is of a cartoon drawing of Bon and Sha dressed for the holiday and toast-ing their wine glasses.
The next image is a notice from CyberFun Tech declaring the cancellation of services for the new year, so they may redirect efforts to "a brand new project coming your way". At the bottom it is signed thrice, by an "N.P.", presumably N. Pooltrick (son of Jason Pooltrick, the founder and previous CEO of CyberFun tech), an "F.K.", presumably Felix Kranken, and a "C.E.", possibly Chris, who can then identified as a 'Chris E.'
When contrast-adjusted, several more signatures can be seen in the image.
"R.W." is likely Rosemary Walten, "S.W.", Susan Woodings, "E.W." and "M.W.", Edd & Molly Walten, "J.W." (which can to difficult to read as "M.W." overlaps with it,) is likely Jack Walten. "C.B." Is the least obvious of these, referring most likely to Charles, who does not have a confirmed last name beyond this image. It can be assumed, then, that he is a 'Charles B.'
The next image is of Banny's uncovered animatronic mech, with her head covering visible on the table next to her. The background of the image leads out into a dark hallway, where Susan's distorted face can be seen subtly overlaid on the right half of the image.
The last image is of Billy on a stage, presumably in Bon's Burgers, according to the iconic character decals seen on the wall. Though this room is interesting as it features both a stage (though not an elevated performance stage, it is more like a fenced-in area in front of some curtains) and exterior windows, which are not known to concurrently appear in any room featured in the 1974 Bon's Burgers location.
The page's title reads "The Future of Technology"
A corrupted version of the old homepage. The page's css remains identical to the previous version, with many of the page elements remaining the same, but their content altered. The page's heading has been changed to a long series of question marks, while the subheading (which is partially covered by an upside-down image of Jack's face) reads "I am here". The information fields the previous page contained remain on the page, with their content removed. Further down the page, there is an image of what appears to be several circus clowns standing in a dark room making balloon animals.
The page also contains the lyrics to a male-perspective cover of the song They Say It's Wonderful by Doris Day. It's perhaps specifically intended to be the Frank Sinatra cover, as that is the most famous altered-lyrics version of the song. The lyrics, as they are on the site, are as follows:
"They say that falling in love is wonderful
It's wonderful, so they say
And, with a moon up above, it's wonderful
It's wonderful, so they tell me
I can't recall who said it
I know I never read it
I only know they tell me that love is grand
The thing that's known as romance is wonderful, wonderful
In every way, so they say
To leave your house some morning
And, without any warning
You're stopping people, shouting that love is grand
To hold a girl in your arms is wonderful, wonderful
In every way
So they say"
The yellow "CONTACT US HERE" button at the bottom of the page remains identical.
The page's content is altered to only a single image of the shattered head of a porcelain doll.
This page's content changed to a noisy, distorted image of a facsimile of a human face, vaguely resembling the 3D render of an expression-shifting human face used towards the end of TWF1.
This page's content has been removed in its entirety, leaving only a black webpage.
This page's content changed completely to a single image: a heavily distorted, zoomed-in picture of a person looking straight forward, their eyes gouged out and edited to appear higher on their face (covering their eyebrows). At the bottom of the image, there's text that reads "but now god knows anything goes", a quote from the song "Anything Goes" by Cole Porter, from the 1934 musical of the same name. Though this feature is broken in the archive, at the time the site was live, clicking the left pupil of the face in the image (or the exact center of the webpage, on mobile,) would play an audio file of a person whistling, with an underlaid subtle, heavy breathing.
The song being whistled seems to be "Twilight Time" by The Platters.
This page's content has changed to only a single, small imagine of a domino reading "5/2". This domino also appears briefly in the now-unlisted video The Walten Files - Season 1 Trailer.
The significance of the domino can be assumed to reference both the date of the crash (May 2nd, AKA 5/2) and the fact that Edd and Molly's deaths were the catalyst of the following events of the series, i.e. being 'the first domino to fall' in the resulting 'domino effect' of tragedy.
The majority of this page's text has disappeared, left in its place, written in a new font without quotation marks, is the text "do you believe in happy endings?"
The old ".....he loved us." text at the far bottom of the page remains identical.
Update #3: 01/06/22 (Click to Expand)
This update, also, was announced by Martin in a (now-deleted) Tweet.
Findjackwalten.com/, now accessible through Findjackwalten.com/cyberfuntechn82
Other than having its redirect link changed, this page is nearly identical to its previous incarnation, with the small change of occasional green-highlighted letters throughout the page. When put together, they read "BrightonghosTs"
What appears to be the personal webpage of Anthony Miller, previously only known as "Anthony", the character who serves as the story's framing device. Since the first episode, he has been uploading the "Walten Files" tapes to his in-universe personal YouTube channel to share with the internet. This page provides a lot of fun and interesting information and context about Anthony.
It establishes him as a teenage ghost hunter living in Brighton, Michigan in the in-universe modern day who has a reputation for being a bit of a local nuisance. He links off to his YouTube channel, "Awesomeanthony123", as well as a link for "donating to [his] blog". Clicking on these links takes you to the Martin Walls YouTube channel and, curiously, to the /jackwalten page respectively.
There are several lists on this page of what appear to be links, only some of which function as actual redirects. Links that redirect to new pages will be covered in their respective sections.
In the section "Ghost Studies, Research and Analysis" there are two lists of links. One subheaded "After-Life" and one "Posessions [sic]". The link for "can a Ghost KILL me?" redirects to the existing /missing page.
The second list contains no functional links, but is an interesting look into what forms and categories of supernatural possession may exist in this world.
The section "Un-Solved Supernatural Cases" also contains no functional links, but is a long list of "mysteries" associated somehow with the town of Brighton, some of which are no more than references to the series' inspirations and contemporaries. Entries notable to us are "River Music", like was mentioned by William of FelixComplex K9, and "The Walten Files".
The page's title reads "Mysteries!"
Redirected to from the "why do ghosts haunt the land of the living?" hyperlink on the /brightonghosts page, this page contains an excerpt from an in-universe piece of writing titled "The Lobby" by therapist Dr. Victor Evans from 1948.
This work documents his experiments from 1941 with contacting spirits through a Zenith radio. In summary, the excerpt theorizes that ghosts attempt to contact the living world from a plane of existence referred to as "The Lobby" to resolve "Unfinished business" before ascending to a plane known as "the place".
The page's title reads "Why do Ghosts haunt us?"
Redirected to from the "how to successfully end with a ghost?" hyperlink on the /brightonghosts page, this page contains little content other than an initial paragraph reading "How do I "end" with a ghost?" followed by a large quantity of additional question marks.
Far down the length of the page, there is a PNG of a ghost surrounded by text reading "Boo." then "haha just kidding, I have no idea. There's never been any well-known instance where one has to defeat or neutralize an Un-Dead being"
The page's title reads "???"
Redirected to from the "can you TALK to a ghost?" hyperlink on the /brightonghosts page, this page contains a summary of Jonathan Ferrell's 1870 experiments with communicating with the dead. These experiments were conducted through the use of his wife's diary, which acted as a portal through which he attempted to contact her. He theorized that communication with what he referred to as "the Un-Dead" could be achieved via objects that held "greater meaning on [sic] the spirit's life"
Compiled on this page are several images of Ferrell's diary communications between him and the spirit of his wife, though the writing in them is smudged and the photos are blurry, making it very difficult to parse. Regardless, I have transcribed them to the best of my ability; please note that although accuracy was my absolute priority, parts of these transcriptions are largely speculative and should be analyzed with abundant skepticism.
This page also contains a highly interesting paragraph, stating as follows:
"Multiple theories and studies claim the Un-Dead can't interact with the physical world, at least not in any significant way. By doing this process of communication you're allowing spirits to 'enter' the physical world through objects, which could lead to some very awful consequences."
Which seems to imply that ghosts cannot interact with the living world unless they are willingly invoked into an object, like when someone is attempting to communicate with them.
The page's title reads "How to Talk to a Ghost?"
Redirected to from the "are ghosts real?" hyperlink on the /brightonghosts page, this page contains a short explanation of why Anthony personally chooses to believe in ghosts:
"I believe ghosts are real because i think creepy stuff is cool"
The page's title reads "Are ghosts real?"
Redirected to from the "is it possible to play poker with a ghost?" hyperlink on the /brightonghosts page, this page contains the text "No, it's not possible to play poker with a ghost, they're dead, after all." followed by a modified version of the 1903 painting "A Friend in Need" by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, with the dogs at the table edited out, leaving a totally unoccupied room.
The page's title reads "Poker"
Update #3.5: 01/07/22 (Click to Expand)
Late on January 7th, the site would update again, adding only a single page.
This page was seemingly added in a direct response to a rapidly strengthening fan theory regarding a possible release date for The Walten Files 4. In late december of 2021, Martin made a now-deleted innocuous joke tweet
in reply to one of his friends, containing both the number "4" and a specific future date, January 7th. While few people unironically interpretted this as a teased release date initially, it only gained more and more traction over the course of the two weeks between the date it was posted and the upcoming date of January 7th. With Findjackwalten receiving several large updates and a lack of clarification or elaboration from Martin Walls, it seemed, to some, like the Janurary 7th release date might truly be legitimate, and the current site activity was to generate hype for it.
On the day, Findjackwalten updated with its single new page, /anticlimactic, an entirely black webpage showcasing only the text "Those who expect stuff without anything to support said expectations are bound to end disappointed." To many, even to those who did not and had never believed in the Janurary 7th theory, this update seemed needlessly callous and cruel to the series' fanbase. Especially considering Findjackwalten was being used in a situation that could have easily been settled with a clarifying tweet.
This upset, however, was shortly lived. Minutes later, Martin would post a now-deleted short twitter thread
with a far more lighthearted tone, and would again update /anticlimactic. The updated version of the page was entirely white, with black text reading "But hey, good things come for those who wait, don't they? ;)". Upon highlighting the the page, additional text could be seen: the word '"Bon"', in quotation marks.
The page's title read "anticlimactic"
Update #4: 07/05/22 (Click to Expand)
In the evening of July 5th, 2022, the site would have another major update. This would overhaul the majority of site pages, either updating them with new content or rendering them completely blank. Almost every page of Anthony's site would remain identical, however.
Findjackwalten.com/, also accessible through Findjackwalten.com/cyberfuntech82
A totally new homepage, featuring a lot of distorted and orientation-shifted text. The awkward orientation of the text seems to be a strange coding error, as it appeared upright on the mobile view of the website (pictured above), which is the intended method for it to be viewed.
The page contains an image of the wall mural initially seen in /investigation1, now crumbling and dilapidated, exposing large chunks of bare wall beneath. There is sideways text that seems to be from a possible newspaper article covering the approaching grand opening of Bon's Burgers, which reads as follows:
written by: Kant Tenessee
Since the 1960s, Businessmen Felix A. Kranken and Jack Walten have been setting up an all-new entertaintment center in Brighton, MI.
“The Most Advanced Animated Show in Livingston County” is what CyberFun Tech, head company of manufacturing Bon’s Burgers’ magical entertaintment, said to define this brand new place.
Bon’s Burgers is set to open on June 1st, promising quality service and custom shows for families and birthdays. “It is a miracle in the making” said Susan Woodings, Cyberfu"
This text is overlaid atop upside-down text which appears to be another, later article which reads as follows:
written by: allison gunn
The now “famous” Bon’s Burgers restaurant, set to open in June 1st, has been now set to open it’s doors on June 28th. Public is confused.
It was a disappointing scene of June 1st, when a big crowd stayed hours awaiting the opening of “Livingston County’s most advanced entertaintment center”. It was about 6 PM on June 1st where Felix A. Kranken, co-founder, said the following words:
“It is a shame to announce that the long-awaited opening of the restaurant will have to be delayed, due to multiple inconveniences in the process of getting everything ready for this event. Many unfortunate news have caused work to be in hiatus and delayed. We’re looking foward to open this place on a few weeks from now: July 28th, 10 AM.
We apologize for the inconvenience and for wasting people’s time, however, we believe this is just a minor setback in an otherwise brilliant project, stay tuned for more ne”
The rest of the page contains distorted and overlaid versions of the phrase "A minor setback?" continuing down the length of the page. The page ends in the same image of Billy on stage as in the last incarnation of the site.
This page would again update to change the majority of its content while leaving its assets largely intact. The colors and formatting remain identical, while the page's heading text has changed to read "I can see. I can feel" followed by an image of a very unusual-looking piece of mounted deer taxidermy, hung on a plain white wall in what could possibly be an office building, judging from the chair, table, and what appear to be folders or binders in the corner.
The appearance of the deer itself is very strange. Its ears are small, almost catlike in shape, and its eyes almost appear to be sitting too high in its skull. The low quality of the image makes it hard to tell, but its mouth appears like it could be significantly longer or wider than its supposed to be.
Down the length of the page there is text which reads "I can love." Followed by the yellow "CONTACT US HERE." button.
This page has been blacked out entirely, containing only the text "I do."
This page has remained largely identical to its previous incarnation, with the text being changed to a small-font text in quotations, reading "I know what I'm getting myself into. You don't, do not try your luck."
Upon being highlighted, additional hidden text appears before the quoted text. It reads "do", changing the quote to instead appear as "do I know what I'm getting myself into"
This page has changed only subtly, with it's context remaining almost entirely identical, with the exception of a single item in the "Posessions" list towards the bottom of the site, where "The Lobby", a reference to the in-universe character Dr. Victor Evans' 1948 writing and theory of the same name, has been changed to read "Alice in Wonderland"
This page would remain mostly identical, with the text being changed to read "unless you are dead, too?", a continuation of the previous text. The full phrase reading "No, it's not possible to play poker with a ghost, they're dead, after all. Unless you are dead, too?"
This page's text would change to read "A gift, A gift I can't afford to lose."
Upon highlighting the page, additional hidden text appears which reads '"Bon" is still here"
Update #5: 07/07/22 (Click to Expand)
Another update which added two strange new pages. While it is possible that these pages existed at the time of the previous update, they went unnoticed and unarchived until at least the 7th of July.
This page's URL would be immediately interesting for being unlike that of any website to appear this far. It reads "copia de nueva página", spanish for "copy of new page". With Findjackwalten being made with Wix and Spanish being the series creator's first language, it is possible that this page URL is default text created by a Spanish-laguage version of Wix that went unchanged before the page was made public. It's also possible that this strangeness was intentional for some currently unknown reason, as if this is an error it has gone uncorrected for the entirety of the page's existence.
This page consists of two images, a banner advertisement for Bon's Burgers and an illustration of a family of anthropomorphic rabbits which appears to be from a children's book.
The advertisement contains a Bon's Burgers logo, as well as text which reads "MOST ADVANCED ENTERTAINTMENT [sic] CENTER IN LIVINGSTON COUNTY!" followed by a "CALL US:" featuring no actual phone number. To the right there is an oddly-colored cartoon illustration of Bon, while to the left there is an image of the animatronic Banny. The image's background appears to be an illustration of the tea party scene from some iteration of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It seems very likely that this would relate to the appearance of the "Alice in Wonderland" text on Anthony's webpage in the previous site update.
There is a visible play button just beside Banny's right shoulder (or the far left of the page, on mobile) that when clicked plays an audio file. This function is broken in the site's archive, though the audio is preserved and can be heard as follows:
This audio is an edited version of the Chill Wills rendition of The Battle Hymn of The Republic, a Civil War-era wartime song. On the site, there is a subtle speaking/murmuring that can be heard in the background, as if the song is being played out loud in a room where people are talking. The page's title reads "Mysteries!", identical to that of /brightonghosts.
Much like the previous page, this page's URL is highly unusual, seeming to be a totally random and inscrutable series of characters. Whether this is an unintentional use of randomly-generated default text or an intentional decision, perhaps hiding some sort of encoded message, is unclear.
This page contains an image of a porcelain doll, identical to the one previously seen at the top of /brightonghosts, as well as an excerpt of a portion of that page's text. The page's header reads "Object Possession - Dolls, Items, Furniture, etc.", which seems to relate to the fake, non-clickable "Object Possession" link towards the bottom of /brightonghosts.
Upon highlighting, hidden text appears which reads "I can feel I can feel". The page's title reads "Mysteries!", identical to that of /brightonghosts.
Update #6: 07/30/22 (Click to Expand)
The update on July 30th, 2022 was proceeded by a post in the Community tab of the main Walten Files YouTube channel containing an illustration of Jack and Rosemary Walten emulating Grant Wood's famous painting American Gothic, with the post captioned as '"Black and White" by Rosemary Walten (1974)"
Findjackwalten.com, which would have been accessible at /cyberfuntech82, however a page capture of this incarnation of this URL was never archived.
This page updated to become nearly entirely blank, leaving only large gray text reading "HOME SWEET HOME", with smaller text reading "still waiting?...". As is typical for Findjackwalten pages, the page formatting was entirely different between viewing on web and viewing on mobile. On web, the heading text would display as upside down, and the secondary text would display far down the length of the page. On mobile (pictured above), both pieces of text displayed right side up, and right next to each other at the top of the page.
This page is largely identical to its previous incarnation, except that the seemingly placeholder text of the first few paragraphs of the text on /brightonghosts has been changed to read "Edd and Molly's favorite story was Mary Poppins." The association to Edd & Molly brings clarity to the page seemingly being based on the nonexistent "Object Possession" page on /Brightonghosts.
The text on this page has changed to read "Go visit Rosemary's Art Room, someday."
This all-new page contains the painting featured in the earlier Community post, but with a more precise date.
The painting's completion date of June 25th, 1974, means it was completed roughly 14 days after Jack's disappearance. The painting itself contains, in the upper window of the house, the silhouettes of Edd & Molly Walten, who at this point would have been missing for a little less than two months. This painting also contains two particularly identifiable flowers:
Rosemary's bouquet is of red Poppies, a flower which famously symbolizes death, as well as hope, remembrance and love. Jack's flower appears to be a Petunia, a flower which is known to symbolize anger and resentment, though can again be a symbol of comfort or of not losing hope.
This page also displays another of Rosemary's paintings, titled "Anything" and dated with less specificity.
The painting appears to depict the Walten family: Jack, Rose, Sophie, Edd, and Molly. Rose and her children are depicted as anthropomorphic sheep, with Rose specifically closely evoking Sha in her aesthetics. Jack is depicted so that his head is just out of frame, and is painted only from the neck down. To me, this imagery seems to especially invoke the image of the mounted buck's head present on Jack's page.
This page's title reads "Floor 2 Door 3", possibly relating to the location of Rosemary's actual art room within Brighton 27, the Waltens' residence.
This page, formerly known as Findjackwalten.com/anticlimactic, has had its URL changed with this update. The page's format has remained the same, though the content of the text has changed. Again, we have a single line of bolded text, followed by a line of hidden text only revealed upon highlighting the page.

This new bolded text appears to be a continuation of the hidden text from the page's previous incarnation. '"Bon" is still here. So am I". The new page's hidden text reads "door keys".
The page title has been changed to read "rabbit".
This new page is an out of character acknowledgement of The Walten Files as a webseries. The page begins with text reading "THE WALTEN FILES CREW READ ONLY" and contains a list of episode numbers, titles, and release dates for all planned episodes of The Walten Files, including those yet to be released. The information deteriorates over the course of the page, with fewer and fewer characters appearing, leaving large swaths of information on the page totally illegible. The page lists 12 episodes, divided evenly across two seasons.

The page would receive a small update on August 1st, the very next day, changing the "THE WALTEN FILES CREW READ ONLY" text to simply read "hello", and adding this image to the very bottom of the webpage:
The page's title reads "access prohibited".
Update #7: 08/14/22 (Click to Expand)
This page has updated so that its header text reads only as a smiley face, "(:", and its beneath text reads "Something's new"
This page has updated so that it's visible text reads "Lights. Camera. Action". Upon highlighting, the page's invisible text can be seen to read as "a rusty box".
This hidden text refers likely to "The Box", a mysterious metal box seen briefly towards the end of the video It's That Time of The Year!, which seems to have a singificant importance to the story of The Walten Files, particularly to The Walten Files 4.
The page has been updated to include full episode descriptions for all released episodes and for TWF4, reading "Bunny Smiles Incorporated goes through rough times." TWF5 has been given a partial episode description, reading "Soph e i ds a", probably being "Sophie finds a [blank]"
This page's text has changed to read "Sophie, where's Rosemary".
Update #8: 06/27/23 (Click to Expand)
Findjackwalten.com, also accessible through Findjackwalten.com/copia-de-nueva-página
This new version of the homepage retains all of the same elements it contained when previously discovered as the /copia-de-nueva-página page, like the banner, the background illustration, and the music player containing a rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic.
It addition, it contains many new assets, like an image/advertisement to the side freaturing Bon's animatronic mech, which was originally seen in a community post on the Walten Files YouTube channel. Next to it are three buttons, the first of which depicts Little Bon with a wrench and wearing a hard hat, with green text reading "JOB OFFER", overlaid on top of text which may read "BUNNY SMILES CORPORATION", or perhaps "BUNNY SMILES CORPORATE". There is an illustration of Cartoon Bon visible behind the Little Bon, which appears to be the same as one depicted in a video teaser for TWF4, which was uploaded to Twitter by the voice actress of Jenny Letterson.
Clicking on this button leads to the first of our new pages, detailed in its own section.
The next two buttons are nonfunctional. The first depicts Little Bon and Little Sha standing outside. Little Sha is wearing a yellow dress, and is using a red rotary phone. There is red text which reads "CONTACT & INFORMATION". The next button depicts the smiling animatronic Bon, wearing a suit collar with a red leopard-print bowtie. There is tan text which reads "MEET BON!"
Beneath the buttons, there is white-on-black text which reads "Whoops! Apparently the page is still under construction, try again later!". Beneath this, there is an image of Bon's Burgers.
The page's title has changed from that of it's /copia-de-nueva-página incarnation, now reading "Fast Food and Family Fun", one of the commonly seen taglines for Bon's Burgers.
With this update, this page has changed to become entirely blank.
Accessible through the "JOB OFFER" button on the main page, this page has been improperly archived by The Wayback Machine. In it's original incarnation, a color filter applied to the entire page allowed to appear in grayscale, unlike what you see in the archived page.
It contains the same banner and background image from the main page, with the added asset of the mounted buck's head from the /jackwalten page. There is white-on-black text which reads "CARETAKER ARCHIVE LIBRARY" followed by text which reads "R. (1974-1975) - Night Shift CARETAKER A". Next to this is an image of a smiling person, who is likely "R." This Archive Library is probably the same one spoken of by Brian Stells in TWF1, where he states that "[He's] recording this because the company requires some kind of archives for the work history."
Beneath this, there are two audio files titled "richie 1" and "richie 2".
The first audio, Richie 1, is captioned as "AUD05-23-74TOC-NIGHTS", meaning it was audio recorded on the 23rd of May, 1974. 'NIGHTS' here could stand for "Night Shift"? Though 'TOC' I am unsure on. "Table of Contents", maybe?
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"Hey there! Its your, uh, it’s your coworker Richie from uh, B-Uh, BSI. Uh, Felix probably mentioned me to you before, I-uh-I don’t believe we’ve actually, yknow, met face-to-face before, but, I-uh, look forward to working with you! Uh, so, uhm. Yeah, uh! I work the, uh, I work the- I’m working the night shift at the moment. Uh, and, uh, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] uhm, sorry you’re not in any, uh, trouble or anything, heh. Uh-m just- saying hi. It’s uh, company policy, all employees gotta, like, know each other so we can work more efficiently, I guess. I dunno. Uh, from what I’ve heard I take it you’ve been working here quite a while, right? Uh, summer job? Same here! Uh, so uh, where was I? Hmm.. Ah- uh, some notes from last week’s shift, uhm, the arcade machines should be on their way by Tuesday, I think? We uh, we made a call with Starleys, uh, now they’re going to be doing the installations themselves, so you don’t gotta worry about that anymore. Just try and keep [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and plus, you now owe me a favor! Nah, just kidding. Uhh, so! Tech supervisor asked us to present the documentation of the animatronics’ state by tomorrow! So, uh, yeah, better get that out of the way soon. And, uh, huh! I guess that’s it. Ahh- sorry, and uh, one more thing, uh, I think we’ll, uh, yknow, properly meet on, um, Thursday! I think. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] a tour of the installations. And, not-not the ones that smell like tobacco. Uh, y'know, the other one. So, uh, yeah, uh, see you there!"
The second audio, Richie 2, is captioned as "AUD06-18-74TOC-CIIT", meaning it was recorded on the 18th of June, 1974. This is, notably, one week after Jack Walten's disappearance on June 11th. I'm not sure what "CIIT" could stand for, in this instance.
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"Hey, uh, just wanted to update you on everything that’s been going on the past few days. So, uhh, for starters I got paid the extra hours for last week, so that’s nice. Uhmm, right, uh, right. So, uh, did you get the memo, or whatever? Apparently the lockdown was because of some infestation or something? Yknow, like, bugs? Heh. So, just a heads up if you feel kinda- smell chemicals and whatnot. Uhh, what else, what else, what else? Right, uh, right- so here, from next week onward, all animatronics will be cleaned and checked by authorized personnel. Nobody else is allowed- sorry- Nobody else is permitted to go near them until further notice. So, that’s one less thing to worry about with our jobs, right? Uhhh, right- ah, oh right, uhm. Don’t come to work on Monday. They’re doing one more big cleanup to make sure there’s no bugs crawling around or whatever. We, uh, we wouldn’t really want our customers eating a beetle sandwich, yknow? Haha, sorry- hmm. Uhh, yeah! That’s all for tonight. If you see any bugs in the next few days, just like, wack ‘em with a newspaper or somethin’. You’ll be fine. Anyways, uh, see ya around! Take care! Bye!"
Very strangely, this audio sounds much like as if it had been recorded in a cave. There's a constant background noise of hollow wet dripping sounds and what sounds to my ears like rushing water. I have no idea what this means.
The page's title reads "01IU9D"
Update #8.5: 06/29/23 (Click to Expand)
This page is identical to its previous incarnation, except that the two previously nonfunctional buttons now both direct to new pages when clicked.
This page, which can be reached by clicking the "CONTACT & INFORMATION" button on the main page, contains a single large image of a location within the Bon's Burgers restaurant.
Judging from the restaurant map seen in the Bon's Burgers Commercial, it seems to be an image of Corridor A, with the 'camera' pointed towards the doorway leading to the main stage area.
From the doorway, there seems to be a shadowy shape peering into the hallway, just barely breaching the frame of the door. This is interesting considering the page's URL, 0714-74, corresponds to the disappearance date of Charles B., being July 14th, 1974. In Charles' section of TWF3: BunnyFarm, his death is depicted as him being hunted for by Bon in a dark, presumably after-hours Bon's Burgers, much like this image seems to depict.
The page's title reads "birthday"
This page, which can be reached by clicking the "MEET BON!" button on the main page, contains a large image depicting the main stage of Bon's Burgers, in front of which is an image of Bon the Rabbit.
The stage itself is very hackjob. The stone texture used is obviously pieced together in places, and a stock photo watermark is visible in several locations. Bon, in this image, looks a little peculiar in that he is a slightly wrong color and his proportions are a little off. In most depictions, he is seen as a darker blue-cyan color, with his arms reaching almost to his knees.
The page's URL is reminiscent of this post-credits teaser audio heard at the end of Boozoo's Holiday Message:
In this audio, a stilted, robotic voice can be heard saying, with great difficulty, "My name is Bon."
The page's title reads "bon"
Update #9: 06/29/23 (Click to Expand)
This update occured only a few hours later in the day than the previous update 'completing' the June 27th update.
This incarnation of the main page has been improperly archived by The Wayback Machine. Originally, a color filter applied to the entire page allowed it to appear almost completely red, only with some of the new images appearing in grayscale.
The new images are of Jack and Rosemary Walten. Jack's portrait is duplicated and appears twice, and is also the same as the portrait of him seen at the end of the reuploaded version of TWF1: Company Introductory Tape. The image of Rosemary is shown only partially on the website, but was shared in full in the Official Walten Files Discord server:
The white-on-black text has changed to read "CLOSED PERMANENTLY. (effect:072074)", the numbers there representing the date of the Bon's Burgers restaurant's closure, July 20th, 1974. The play button present in the site’s previous incarnation is still present, but now plays various Christmas carols, rather than Battle Hymn of The Republic, starting with Silent Night.
About 4 minutes and 18 seconds into the new audio, backwards text-to-speech can be heard. When reversed, this audio can be heard as such:
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
“[We] here at BSI apologize for the confusion regarding the shocking scene from last night. Apparently, screams for help were heard inside our installations. Thanks to the help of the Brighton Police Department, this has been confirmed as a hoax and that nobody has been harmed inside our restaurant. Nevertheless, for budget reasons, we are shutting our doors until further notice. Thanks for joining us on this small adventure. Kindly, the Bunny Smiles family.”
This page has remained largely the same, except that the image of Bon has gone missing.
This page has received the most significant update of this batch, now containing four additional audios from Richie.
The first new audio, Richie 3, is captioned as "AUD06-27-74opnn-nights", meaning it was recorded on the 27th of June, 1974, the opening date of Bon's Burgers. "opnn-nights" in this case could mean "Opening Night Shift".
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"Another day, another dollar, as they always say! Sorry- sorry, dude- just ignore that, I don’t know- I don’t know what I was doing, okay, uh, forget it. Yeah- yeah! Uh, tomorrow’s the big day! You excited? Uh, Boss gave me some instructions to give you for today. So, uh- get those in a second. Uhm, I needed to- wanted to say I uhm, I put the chairs down. That, y'know, next to the tables, so uh, just- save you the hassle of having to do tha- having to do that tomorrow morning, so you’re welcome. Uhm, uh, if you can, keep an eye on the uhh, the- whatchamacallit, Poker maze? It’s, uh, pretty easy for kids to get lost in there. So, y'know, just, don’t want anything to- anything like that happening. Just, uh, y'know, pop in like every, like, minute or so, just make sure there’s no kids crying, screaming, y'know. Actually, don’t get lost in there yourself, either. You’re still a teen, right? How old are you again? That’s- doesn’t matter, whatever, you’ll be fine. Uh, don’t worry about it. Unlock the generator room, uh, clean the bathrooms- especially the men’s bathroom, more on that later.
Uhh, right, right, right! Uh, keep the main stage curtains closed. Uh, for the time being, we uh, we transferred Sha to the secondary stage for this week, so she’ll be next to Boozoo. The uh, Bon animatronic won’t be performing this week, uh, he’s uh- they- they gotta do an extra week of maintenance on him. So, that’s a shame, but nothing we can’t fix. Uh, luckily we do have a- uh, a costume! A, uh, Bon costume! Uhm, the uh, sister company gave it to us a while ago. So, y'know, if you wanna earn some, uh, some extra bucks, you might wanna pop in that thing. Dance around, tell some jokes, whatever. Uh, Felix will probably tell you what to do, they’re kids, they’re stupid anyway, they won’t notice. Uhm, just try ignore the smell. Right, uh, that, uh- that reminds me. Uhm, uh- apparently, uhm, apparently some employee might’ve, uh, might’ve been, uh. Smoking pot. In the men’s bathroom. Uh, so, uhm, just, just- um. Y'know, don’t mind the smell, if you, uh, keep the windows open, y'know, just try and freshen up the place. Uh, make sure Felix doesn’t notice. Uh- I- uh, wouldn’t want whoever that was to, y'know, get in trouble. If, uh, if they did smoke pot in there, which I doubt. But, y'know, just in case. So, uh, yeah! That’s it, goodnight."
The second new audio, Richie 4, is captioned "AUD07-01-74BCKSTG-DAY", meaning it was recorded on the 1st of July, 1974, the day after Susan's disappearance. The 'DAY' in place of the usual 'NIGHTS' possibly means Richie was working the day shift on this day, rather than the night shift, like usual.
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"Hey man! Okay, so, uh, we got some good news, and some bad news. So I’ll start with the good news! So, uh, Boss is happy! He said we did good work- said we did good work on the first week. You did a good job with the Bon costume actually, I was surprised. I actually got it all recorded on film, so, uh, if you want, I can show that to you next week. Or, I could use it to blackmail you at some point in the future? Kidding, kidding, kidding. Uh, nah, I wouldn’t do that. Uh, um, oh yeah, uh! I bet you’re happy to hear: Bon will be back on stage by tomorrow! Yeah, uh, Felix set it up himself, so uh, maybe they worked out their differences after all! Sorry, just, trying to make a joke.
Um, right, ah, okay onto the, uh, the not so good news. Uh, so, um, we- uh, we have a- um. We have a associate. I- uh, I believe she does the, uh, art for the restaurant. Um, she’s been coming in a lot lately, she keeps going on about like, her, uh, husband or something. She’s not well. Um, to put it lightly, I- I don’t wanna sound mean, but. She, uh, there’s something wrong with her. And, and uh, I- I believe you know her? Uhm, like, um, you’ve been talking to her whenever she comes in, um. I- I appreciate it, I appreciate it, right? Um, and I’m glad you are, y'know, helping her. Uh, but, mmn. How do I say this? Um, she’s been- uh, she’s been, uh, let go out of the company yesterday, and uh, so, it’s now a company policy that if a former employee makes any sort of, uh, drama inside the restaurant, uhm, they’ll be permanently banned from entering, so. Uh, if- if you see her again, just tell her to keep quiet. It’s, um, Boss’ orders. Uhm, I’m sorry if that- I’m sorry if that’s insensitive, um. Okay.
Okay, uh, lighter note: nobody got lost in the maze! So, good job! Uh, you’re a natural! Or whatever. Uhm, uh, okay, on with the, uh, bad news, I guess. More bad news, uhm. The backstage is now locked for the week. Um, I asked staff for explanations and they refused to elaborate, so um. Ba- uhm, Banny will be off the stage for a few days, uh, so, keep the curtain on Banny’s stage closed. Uhm, what else? Oh, uhm, all of the, uh, animatronics must be sent to the men’s bathroom at night, um, instead of backstage. So, uh, yeah! Uh, let me know how you’ve been. Um, I had a blast last week. I will say, uh, you make a really good cook! I’ll tell you that. So um, yeah, see you tomorrow then. Goodnight!"
The third new audio, Richie 5, is captioned "AUD07-12-74LLY-NIGHTS", meaning it was recorded on the 12th of July, 1974. The "LLY-NIGHTS" here possibly means "Lily Night Shift".
Transcribed, the audio reads as follows:
"Uh, hola amigo! Is that how you s- is that how you say it? Agh, I never knew how to say it. Uh, yeah! Uh, good things are happening, my friend. Uh, the- the backstage is still locked. Uh, but! The, uh, the generator room is where we sh- should be, uh- should be keeping the robots for now. Right- uh, we actually, uh, we actually have a new one. Uh, agh, what’s the name, what’s the name? Bob- uh, Bobby the clown! Buh- buh- Billy the clown! Billy- ah- yeah, Billy. He, uh, just arrived yesterday, actually. Um, top of the line technology, man, I’ll tell you. I- I was messing with their, uh, little radio thing all day. Uh, Bon seems to be working fine now. Uh, his- his, uh- his gloves keep falling off? Like, uhm- not gloves, uh, what- what’re they called? Uhm, blue hand thing- y'know, the suit, uhm, and it’s revealing the mech underneath. Uh, so just, uh, be careful with like, the hands and stuff.
Okay, whatever, uhm. The, uh, oh yeah, we have a birthday party coming up! A birthday party on the, uh, the tw- no, uh, fourteenth? Yeah, the fourteenth. Uh, we’re going to be using the, uh, Billy robot. It’s actually, um, the daughter of one of our associates, uhm. Augh, what was the name? Forgot her name, doesn’t matter. So yeah, uh, we gotta m-make it look extra good, okay? Uh, I might even come over, y'know, show up in the Bon costume myself. I dunno, we’ll see how it goes. Uh, well, if you show up, actually, we could, y'know, stay smokin’ in the arcade area? You smoke, right? Ah, whatever. Um, yeah! Look forward to seeing you there. Take care, man!"
This audio mentions a birthday happening on the 14th of July, the same as the date of Charles' disappearance. This seems to be corroborated by the /0714-74 page having a page title of "birthday". Relatedly, Boozoo's gameplay section of BunnyFarm is titled "Lily's Birthday", and features Bon helping Boozoo prepare a birthday party for a child named Lily.
This connects to the audio's caption, "LLY-NIGHTS", presenting an idea that Charles, the spirit possessing Boozoo, is the Bon's Burgers associate being mentioned, and that Lily is his daughter, making it so that he died/disappeared on his daughter's birthday.
The last new audio, Richie 6, is captioned "AUD07-20-74CLSD-MRNING", meaning it was recorded on 20th of July, 1974, or the morning after Rosemary Walten's disappearance, also the shutdown date for Bon's Burgers.
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"C'mon, man, where the hell have you been? Some big shit happened, alright!? Whuh- we’re- we’re sh'down! It’s fucking bad, dude, we are SHUTTING DOWN! We’re DONE! We’re fucking DONE, Alright? Augh, god, I- I- I clocked in last night, right? Some staff were still in the restaurant, right? It’s all good, it’s all okay. FOUR IN THE MORNING, I get a call from NORMAN, right, telling me the cops BROKE INTO THE PLACE, right? Some call about, like, SCREAMING inside the fucking restaurant? Whole neighborhood was freaked out. They- uh- they checked the place, most doors were locked so they just shrugged it off, anyway. There- there’s nobody inside. But, uh, Norman’s shutting us down! He said the- the- the scene it caused is humiliating. Alright, everyone’s outside the fucking restaurant, claiming that somebody got killed! It’s fucking BAD, man. Agh, he gave us, uh, THREE DAYS, we have three days to shut everything down. Ugh, sorry, oh god. Sorry, it’s been a fucking crazy night. Uh, there is, uh, the bo- sorry. Uh, the Boss came up with a new plan, alright? He hasn’t shared it with, uh, CyberFun yet. But, uh, long story short, we gotta take all the fucking items from this place and put them in a truck and take 'em to the storage place somewhere. Tha- he didn’t say where. It- uh- it’s BIG fucking money, dude, alright? It’ll only take a few days. Uh, you in? Also, uh, just for the record, don’t- don’t tell this to anyone, okay? See you tomorrow, then. See you tomorrow, man. I’ll be there at six, Bon’s."
There are several interesting things mentioned in this audio. First, Richie's mention that some of the Bon's Burgers staff were still in the restaurant when he clocked in on the night of the 19th. Considering this is the time when Rosemary would have been killed, this mention seems to reference the "Shadow Man" figure scene several times during Rosemary's death sequence in TWF2. This is seemingly confirmation that the Shadow Man is a Bon's Burgers staff member, which is especially interesting considering the way Richie differentiates "Staff" from regular Bon's Burgers employees like himself and the recipient of these audio logs.
Also interesting is the mention of a figure named "Norman", who seems to have significant control over the operation of Bon's Burgers, being capable of shutting it down outright, even seemingly against the will of Felix. This figure seems likely to be the "N. Pooltrick" mentioned in the 01/01/22 update to Findjackwalten, who is the owner of CyberFun Tech.
Update #10: 07/14/23 (Click to Expand)
This batch of updates occured on the shared anniversary of both Ashley's and Charles' disappearances.
This incarnation of the main page has been improperly archived by The Wayback Machine. Originally, a color filter applied to the entire page allowed it to appear completely in grayscale.
The images of Jack and Rosemary Walten seen in the previous incarnation of the page are now missing. In addition, the white-on-black text has changed to read "You just couldn't stay home, could you?"
The contents of the page's audio player have also changed again, though it has been purported that the audio heard in the first few minutes upon the page's updating was different than what it was changed to almost immediately afterwards. This audio was not something I ever heard myself in my exploration of the page as it was live, and as Findjackwalten's audio players are universally nonfunctional in their Wayback Machine page archives, this is an impossible claim to verify. The alleged audio itself, however, can be heard here:
It's an edited portion of the song Fool For a Blonde by Roger Bartlett, featured in the 1974 film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. In a now-deleted Twitter Q&A, Martin confirmed this to be Jack Walten's favorite song.
The audio which later appeared on the page can be heard here:
This is a radio broadcast, backed by the sound of ambient car noise. Sound of a creaking chair, tires on asphalt, and the rhythmic clicking of a turn signal can be heard. The most identifying bit of information is a portion where the radio host reads a quote from Winston Churchill, then says "Happy Birthday America, I love you." This makes the second possible or explicit allusion to the 4th of July present on Findjackwalten, the other being the original /copia-de-nueva-página audio of Battle Hymn of the Republic.
This page's url is in Spanish. "Martin guarida secreta no entrar" means "Martin secret lair do not enter." This is an out-of-character page featuring fun facts about the series, as well as an image of Martin on a car with the text "me on a car". At the top of the page, not visible in the screenshot below, is the text "92%", referring possibly to the percentage of The Walten Files 4 which has been completed.
The "3 funny walten facts" present on the page read as follows:
"-Bon the rabbit was originally called Bon the Dancing Hare by Jack, ultimately Felix vouched against that because Rabbit sounds friendlier.
-During the late 70s, BSI expanded further than restaurant chains, the showstoppers became famous for way different products such as random merch, plushies, furniture, toys, watches, bed sheets, lanterns, masks, lamps, toilet seats. BSI most succesful product was "Showstopper's Comedy Extravaganza", a 1977 animated TV show that ran for 3 seasons and was cancelled in the 1979's to make room for a "bigger project". it is unknown what was the cause for BSI to milk the showstopper franchise to that extent, what was the money for?
-Sophie lived on the back of a meat store for the better part of 3 years, she managed."
The page's title reads "q pasa tia", meaning "What's up, girl?" In this context, it reads as gossipy and confidential.
Another out-of-character page, this time featuring a long list of cut and behind the scenes content for The Walten Files. Due to its nature, most of this page's content is best understood viewing for one's self, rather than through my explaining it.
Towards the top of the page is a music player featuring a version of Anything Goes by Cole Porter, a song which was referenced in the 01/01/22 update version of /investigation1. It can be heard as follows:
The page's title is "Behind the Scenes"
Update #11: 07/15/23 (Click to Expand)
This incarnation of the main page has been improperly archived by The Wayback Machine, and was also never screenshotted by me in it's original state. Originally, a color filter applied to the entire page allowed it to appear completely in grayscale, with the exception of the new illustration of Bon which has been duplicated across the entire page. This is the same image as was noted and described in the 06/27/23 update to the main page, though in this state it is much easier to see and decipher.
It is of Bon wearing a hard hat, surrounded by screws and bolts of electricity. It seems, then, to be associated with the mechincal/engineering aspects of Bon's Burgers, perhaps as a sign to denote what rooms are dedicated to that work.
If one were to use a tool such as Ublock Origin to remove the repeated images of Bon, this white-on-black text, reading "Say something...", would become visible.
This page has updated to include the following image:
This page's layout has remained completely identical, with the only change being to the "3 funny walten facts" it hosts. The new facts are as follows:
"-Goodfaith Caring.
-Sha was originally named "Belle" or "Belly" so that all the names would start with a B and be named the "THE 4 B's" or "THE B PACK" instead of "THE SHOWSTOPPERS", but Sha sounded more adequate. She was actually the last showstopper to be made and a final addition because back when TWF was a fangame i needed a character to balance the group more and a more adequate stage companion to Bon than Banny (too similar to Candy and Cindy from good ol FNaC) so Sha was made, so yeah, my fav showstopper right there.
-No she wasn't homeless, it was just cheaper than paying for an actual apartment,"
The percentage at the top of the page remains unchanged.
An update has appeared at the bottom of the first section on Anthony's page! It reads as follows:
"UPDATE: Trip to downtown Brighton last month! spoke to this guy Jacob. He works at a local storage unit outside of town. He showed me some things regarding my, as I call it, WALTEN FILES INVESTIGATION! (trademark!) LOL! He showed me that one bunker from the forest, now demolished, we did some digging and we found new Tapes! FINALLY!!!! It'll take a while to decode them, clean them and put it all together with my buddy Lucas, but he's the shit dw. It's a LOT! we found a locker in a bowling aisle, owner says they rescued it from the dumpster, the key was for that! We found 4 boxes each containing multiple reels and tapes from 4 different segments, LET'S GO MYSTERY SOLVERS! THE JANE WALTEN MYSTERY CONTINUES! (is that his name? i dont watch the tapes i just post them online, im a busy man okay????=????"
A small appendix has been added to the very bottom of the page.
It reads as follows:
Extract from a Jonathan's diary decoded that reads as follows:
"At last, the ability to mantain itself.
Not sure how or why, I visited it 2 days ago and I could hear, breathing, but she was dead, that was for sure."'
The text at the top of this page has changed to read "It was not quick."
This page has updated so that it now details a long account of a family's experience with a haunted doll, comparing it to the character Chucky from the Child's Play movie franchise. It details how the doll, presumably possessed by the spirit of a little girl named Jazmin, began to exibit living qualities, such as moving, speaking, and crying when experiencing pain. The page finishes with the following paragraph:
"dOnce [sic] the soul chooses it's vessel, it becomes it's body. However, the longer it spends inside of it. The more it becomes it's ACTUAL body. (Jazmin's body was the doll, the wood was her skin, the wooden arm was her real arm.) it can cause it pain and it can feel everything it touches.
this has been named amongst us ghostfans as "Post-Extensive Object Possesion" (cheesy?)"
There is also a note at the top of the page, reading "(NOTE: NONE OF THESE EVENTS CONFIRMED AS TRUE, MAY DELETE PAGE IF PROVEN FAKE)". This is a possible explanation for why this page is not actually linked off to from the /brightonghosts page and instead appears in this strange, disconnected form.
Another notable anomaly with this page is the presence or absence of several characters in its text. There is a missing 'e' and 'g' in the word "believing", as well as an extra 'd' before the word "Once". What this could mean is not known.
The main page has updated... again? This incarnation of the page is identical except for the white-on-black text, which now reads "Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant around the whole room and he took every present", which is a quote from the children's book How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess.
This page has also updated a second time. Now, the top text reads "Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant around the whole room and he took every present", just like the main page. The image has changed aswell, replaced with a version of itself featuring an eerie, semi-transparent face in the corner, hiding behind the grandfather clock.
This page has also updated again. It now features Anthony attempting to correct himself for his previous mistake regarding Jack Walten's name.
This page has updated for a third time. Now, the top text reads "oops!", with the image now seeming to be a darkened version of the normal poker table painting.
If brought into an editing program and contrast-adjusted, the image appears as follows:
Update #12: 07/16/23 (Click to Expand)
A very standard-looking, undistorted version of the main page. All of the page's normal assets are in place, but with the addition of a video player containing the Bon's Burgers Commercial, as well as a new image to the side of a person in a suit and tie, with text reading "THE FUTURE STARTS NOW".
The audio player remains, with new audio once again:
This new audio contains a song which has yet to be identified. It contains pleasant, relaxing piano music with some gentle strings. In the background, a strange, repeated 'tapping' or 'hitting' sound can be heard. The sound is hollow and sharp, like if one were holding their shoe in hand and attempting to swat a fly. There does not seem to be any sort of pattern to its repetition, and the noise continues for long after the song has finished.
If one were to zoom the page out in their browser, a few different things can be seen. First, some of the repeated images of Bon present in the previous page incarnation have not been removed towards the bottom right of the page.
Second, in the empty space to the right of the video player, there is a bit of hidden highlightable text which reads "Eyes wide open".
Bon has returned! But much, much closer.
The "oops!" text present in the page's previous incarnation has disappeared.
This page has updated to contain many new images, including some which appear to contain cut scenes/locations from BunnyFarm, which mostly seem to be from within the Walten family home.
Update #13: 07/26/23 (Click to Expand)
The "FUTURE STARTS NOW!" image has begun to proliferate across the page, much like the image of cartoon Bon did before it.
This page has updated to include 3 new "funny walten facts", which are as follows:
"-After Carlitos Walten's passing the family decided to go find another dog for the family, Jaimito was short lived as he bit Edd's arm and almost gave him rabies, they gave the dog to Susan.
-There are a lot of curious items inside the old Bon's Burgers restaurant, one of them was a Bear statue near the backstage and a Tiger statue in the entrance.
-TWF 4 was supposed to have a 7 min long dialogue scene, it has now been shortened given the possibility of dragging it too long for the audience (I'm keeping the scene in though, i feel it escalates the ending.)"
The percentage at the page's top has incremented to 93%.
Update #14: 08/02/23 (Click to Expand)
The "FUTURE STARTS NOW!" image has continued to proliferate across the page, now covering much of the page's important elements.
This page has updated to include 3 new "funny walten facts", which are as follows:
"-Community's Eye!
-Bon loves to do some wardrobe changes every now and then, crew gave him all sorts of funky bowties and ties, Jack wasn't a fan of it, but that's just Jack.
-Many TWF 4 shots were made on my phone while i was on class (I know this because I just finished one), they look pretty good nonetheless!"
Update #15: 08/03/23 (Click to Expand)
This day marked a series of rapid-fire updates. As in, pages updating within hours or minutes of each other. In the chaos, several important incarnations of pages were never archived through The Wayback Machine. Luckily, I can still provide my own personal screenshots and account of every page's content.
Findjackwalten.com (Unarchived)
A version of the main page where the "FUTURE STARTS NOW!" image has continued to proliferate, now covering the majority of the page's important assets, but notably leaving gaps in places where the Bon animatronic or Cartoon Bon are present.
In place of the previous "Eyes wide open" text is new hidden text reading "Say My Name"
Findjackwalten.com/martinguaridasecretanoentrar (Unarchived)
A version of this page with its usual 'me on a car' image replaced by the "FUTURE STARTS NOW!" image from the main page. All three "funny walten facts" have been changed to read "-THE FUTURE STARTS NOW".
The percentage at the page's top has incremented to 94%.
Our first properly archived page of the update batch. This is a version of the main page which has been completely blacked out, all content removed. Instead, there is white text in the page's center reading "We haven't met before, have we?"
This text is interesting in that it shares a font with a piece of hidden text seen in a drawing which was released to celebrate the Makeship Bon the Rabbit plush being fully funded only within a few hours of its being announced. If contrast-adjusted, it showed many hidden images depicting the animatronics, locations within Bon's Burgers, as well as text reading "YOU HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT US, HAVE YOU?"
Much like the main page, this page has also been fully blacked out, retaining none of its previous content.
This page seems to be an exact copy of martinguaridasecretanoentrar, from before the most recent update blacked it out completely.
Its title is something like 'copy of fucker' or 'copy of bastard', but in a sort of blithe, lightheartedly informal manner.
Findjackwalten.com (Unarchived, linked page is a fanmade approximate recreation via FJWRecreations)
This page is almost identical to its previous incarnation, except that the text now reads "pleasure to meet you, my name is"
This page is almost identical to its previous incarnation, except that its text has been replaced by the following image:
On the site, this image is titled "bon.png"
Update #16: 08/15/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has updated to replace the previous "bon.png" with the following image:
It seems to be a totally black rectangle, containing the text "we are still here." in what appears to be the same font as last time. When brought into a photo editing software and contrast-adjusted, it appears as follows:
This appears to be a location within the K-9 storage facility, the same one seen during the guided facility tour in TWF2: Relocate Project.
Update #17: 08/22/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has updated to replace its previous image with the following new one:
It depicts a pair of glowing yellow eyes. When brought into a photo editing software and contrast-adjusted, it appears as follows:
It shows the text "HAHAHAHAHA" repeated through the whole image. In the bottom right, there is a depiction of Boozoo laying on the ground.
Update #18: 09/13/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has updated to replace its previous image with the following new one:
It depicts the diagonal checkerboard floor of Bon's Burgers, with one of Bon's fabric foot coverings laying on the floor. In the top right corner is the text "A Company by CyberFun Tech"
If brought into a photo editing software and contrast adjusted, the image appears as follows:
Now, the looming figure of Bon the Rabbit can be seen peering out from the darkness.
Update #18: 10/23/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has updated to replace the previous image with an embedded video, unplayable in the archived version of the site, but viewable in full here:
On the site itself, an additional grainy film filter is overlaid on top of the video. This is visible on the archived version of the page.
Update #19: 12/03/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has changed to replace the previous video with an image of an office desk setup with security monitor and controls. There are three screens, two of which feature security footage from rooms within Bon's Burgers, and one which features static that, after several seconds, transitions to a static-filtered version of the Walten Files Minisode Spectacle, though this, like every other embedded Findjackwalten video, appears to be broken in the web archive.
Next to the desk is a fast food drink cup, a plushie of Sha, and a partially-hidden name plate, with the visible letters reading "CH" and "BUNNY", most likely being "CHARLES" or "CHRIS" and then "BUNNY SMILES". It is notable that the Sha plushie featured in this image would not release until 1982, 8 years after Charles' death, so the chance of this being his name plate rather than Chris' is substantially unlikely.
Update #20: 12/27/23 (Click to Expand)
This page has changed to replace its previous content with a single image: an alternative version of the Founders Photo, an image of Jack Walten and Felix Kranken shaking hands, looking towards the camera and smiling. This image is possibly a retcon, meant to replace the pre-existing photo from TWF1.
If one were to load the page using a screen reader or use their browser to inspect the page's accessibility functions, they would see that the image's alt text reads "May 18th, 1974", likely being the date on which this photo was taken. Interestingly, this is nearly two full weeks after Edd and Molly's disappearance.
Update #21: 1/13/24 (Click to Expand)
This page has changed to display only a single image, appearing to contain white text which reads: "The Walten Files 4: CyberFun Tech".
If brought into a photo editing program and contrast adjusted, this image appears as follows, revealing additional text reading "The Walten Files 5: Faces of Grief" and "The Walten Files 6: Behind the Smiles". Behind, there is also the looming figure of Bon, with his hand outstretched. When inspected through your browser on the page, the image's alt text reads "3 episodes, on february 2024".
Clicking on this image redirects to the next page.
The first part of this page is seemingly identical, except for the very top text, which has changed to read "THE WALTEN FILES SEASON ONE (2020-2024)". The following three episodes listed are identical, but the text for The Walten Files 4, 5, and 6 has changed, and can be seen as follows:
If one uses a command such as Ctrl+A to highlight all of the text on the webpage, the following text becomes visible:
From this, as well as additional context gathered through the creator's twitter, it can be assumed that what was previously considered The Walten Files 4 as been split into three episodes, each encompassing this new "Cyberfun Tech Collection". This Collection has then become the new three-part season finale, with the original season finale being moved to what is now season 2, and all following episodes being adjusted hence.
Update #22: 03/29/24 (Click to Expand)
This page has changed to contain a single image, depicting a white teddy bear with a brown bowtie and red buttons from the neck-down.
There is white text at the bottom of the image which reads "goodbye, Sophie." If brought into a photo editing program and contrast-adjusted, the image appears as follows:
Newly visible in the adjusted image is stretched-out text spanning the image's whole background, which reads "MR SNOW". This is a name that was referred to once by series creator Martin Paredes in a Twitter Space on the 2nd of January, 2024, where he explains that "Mr. Snow" is a post-retcon version of the character Showbear, who was discontinued from appearing The Walten Files after the character's original creator (A friend of Martin's) decided to distance the character from the series and save him for their own personal projects.
Martin discusses this retconning in an interview with Know Your Meme from 2021.
Update #23: 04/26/24 (Click to Expand)
Findjackwalten.com/bonsburgers (archive broken/incomplete)
This page contains only a window with text reading "Solo para invitados. Por favor ingresa la contraseña a continuación." which means "Guests Only. Please enter the password below." followed by a password entry bar and a submit button.
Clicking out of this window redirects back to the main page. In the Wayback Machine page archive, the password window is improperly archived and does not appear at all, displaying only a blank white webpage.
The style and phrasing of this page is identical to an existing (spanish language) Wix template, and a working password for this page has so far never been found. It's possible that this page is simply unfinished, and that the password is not a puzzle to solve, but a legitimate, secure password with nothing to do with The Walten Files at all. Though this is currently impossible to know for certain.
This new page is identical in almost all ways to the oldest version of Findjackwalten.com/jackwalten, which was also the earliest landing page for the website. The only two changes appear to be the addition of text which reads:
and a version of the mounted deer's head photograph which appeared in a later incarnation of Findjackwalten.com/jackwalten, replacing the image of the Boozoo animatronic that was present on the original version of the page.
Findjackwalten.com/blank and Findjackwalten.com/blank-1
Both of these pages appear to be unfinished. The first page is nothing but an empty, black webpage. The second is the same, except it contains the same mural image that was present in the earliest incarnation of Findjackwalten.com/investigation1.
Update #24: 05/02/24 (Click to Expand)
The image on this page has changed to depict the Bon's Burgers restaurant, as viewed from the front parking lot. Parked outside, you can see what appear to be Jack and Felix's cars.
Later the same day, this page would update again, the older image being replaced with a different, but very similar image of Bon's Burgers. The shot is slightly closer to the restaurant, and Jack's car is no longer visible, though is possibly just out of frame.
The image was possibly replaced due to the older containing a Bon's Burgers that seemed wildly out of scale when compared to what we know the restaurant's layout to be, according to the following image posted by Martin Paredes to his Twitter:
This new image would later appear in the bonus video Bon's Burgers - "Quality" Ad (1974), which was released as part of a charity livestream for The Trevor Project during June of 2024.
This page is missing updates, but it's being worked on actively! The most recent Findjackwalten update that is not covered here at the time of writing was on: 7/14/2024